
The SmartOffices range of products pursue the utmost quality and
sustainability in Design and Functionality. Selected Power, Data and
Media connectivity solutions are awarded by RedDot Design Award


Selected NES BueroTechnik ERGO Series of Laptop, Tablet holders and
LCD arms are awarded. Tablet Holder Systems have been awarded by the iF Design award.


NES BueroTechnik ERGO DESK Systems have been awarded with the
Good Design(GD) award 2015 in Korea. The systems integrated by our
Korean Partner WM Ltd. contains the complete range of NES - ERGODESK systems for power, data, cable management and


NESBUERO Systeme  are SQM certified:
The import of PDUs into The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia requires mandatory the SASO Quality Mark (SQM). NESBUERO Systems completed the testing and certification process and comply with the SASO  standards for SQM/SABER.


NES Office connectivity design & systems were awarded in the categries  10 and  13