NES BueroTechnik LUXpro2
The NES LUXpro2 manufactured by NES Buerotechnik. NES LUXpro2 Office Cabinet LED Light system with GST connectors. Flexible Integration with NES PDU/S and NES PDU/D systems in Office desk power circuits and overhead cabinets.
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Features and Benefits
Individual daisy chain controls with NES PDU and NES Deskpro System
Wieland Power connectivity GST
Expandable design: Link up to 75 inches (1.91 metres) of actual light fixture
Adaptable: Five jumper cable length options: 3", 6", 12", 24" or 60"
Energy saving occupancy, proximity sensor (optional)
Timer Features
Quick mount installation kit
Bright white light output 3500 K, 83 CRI (different options)
Easy to operate touch sensitive switch
Dimmable down to 15%
ETL certified 90,000+ hour life LEDs (L70 rating)
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